Anyone that knows Coach Ivan, knows he walks the talk. And in this case, he runs it as well. Always overheard reminding his athletes, Coach Ivan says: Train hard, but train very smart. Do things the right way. Quality over quantity.
As Ivan says, "They [track workouts] are also more specific because the athletes won't have to be guessing or looking at the watch for distance, meaning how much distance left or half." Furthermore, running on the track is a lot easier to count, just like swimming in the pool. Hence, it becomes a solid opportunity to focus on pace and form, and creates a controlled environment to gauge your stamina against the fatigue curve and benchmark a tidy set for future reference. So get out there and give it a whirl! Once again, thank you to our guest Coach of the Month, Ivan Dominguez. Please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself; he is quite approachable and has a wealth of racing experience to share... Happy training, everyone!
#thresholdthursday If you're training for performance, then the concept of Functional Threshold Power has come up; check out this FTP B*I*K*E workout by Coach Iavn:
Please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself and welcome Coach Ivan! [email protected] or find him here ig: @iamivandominguez or here fb: @iamivandominguez Happy training!
Today's #workoutwednesday is a modestly challenging S-W-I-M workout, brought to you by our guest Coach of the Month, pro-triathlete & multi-sport coach Ivan Dominguez. As Ivan comments, "What keeps me going.. is that I won't be good at things if I don't put the hard work, and the smart work. And also because don't want to struggle in races either." Ha, who does?! That's a great perspective to have, Ivan. And we appreciate his insight shared, as seen through this clever workout including a variety of drills and tempo training.
*In case you're wondering: the broken arrow swim drill is a variation of the catch-up drill and is a torsional-control technique of forward-hand planing with alternate hand up in a vertical-hold position for possibly 1-2 seconds, alternating breaths, followed by a smooth catch & thrust into opposite broken arrow.. all whilst kicking to maintain the planing momentum and is great for loosening up tight shoulders & backs. Drills Set: 16 x 50s @ 10 seconds rest 1 – 4: pull buoy (12 ½ scull #1 + 37 ½ freestyle) 5 – 8: pull buoy (12 ½ scull #2 + 37 ½ freestyle) 9 – 12: pull buoy with ankle-bands 13 – 14: bands only 15 – 16: pull buoy (12 ½ doggy paddle + 37 ½ freestyle) Main Set 6x 150s @ 20 sec rests: 1 – 2: freestyle, 50 easy + 50 moderate + 50 fast 3 – 4: 50 backstroke easy + 50 free moderate + 50 free fast 5 – 6: pull buoy & optional *paddles* at moderate pace. *Editor's note on swim paddles: consider removing the wrist-band straps at the back end of your paddles, where by only the middle-finger straps are securing the paddle to the hand, as the efficiency of the mechanics of your plane-catch-thrust sequence will be magnified accordingly, with objective to keep tension on the paddle as if there were no straps at all. Cool down: easy 200, choice. Now, Coach Ivan says the idea behind the sets is this: your primary focus should be to start the session thinking about setting up for a good catch and pull through phase, and then spending the majority of the drills set working to enhance & refine this efficiency further against the fatigue curve. So jot it down on your pool's marker board, and give it a go! Please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself and welcome Coach Ivan! Happy training, y'all!
Do Triathlons, they said. Is Super Fun, they said that too. - Cyclist turned Triathlete, Ivan Dominguez Taking that challenge to heart, Ivan Dominguez has transformed a wealth of international competitive cycling experience and channeled it into a bright new endeavor, that of a professional triathlete. We're honored to take this opportunity to share with all of you, some great conversations, strategies and insights from Ivan.. this month as our esteemed guest Coach of the Month.
Now, not only is it terrifically fascinating to talk 'shop with Ivan, but we've partnered-up with him this month to share what we believe is his unique perspective and insights on the multi-sport world, and to share in his wisdom by way of some workouts, recipes and strategies. As a Coach, Ivan has struck the rare balance of being what he sells, focusing on things like: new strategies for beginners, intermediate development, advanced skills, and tip-top insights of a professional athlete as well. He is comfortable and well-versed in triathlon, road cycling, running, duathlon, IRONMAN, swimming, and adventure racing. And for good measure, he manages to also keep true to a loving family that enjoys training with him (occasionally!), traveling and sharing in his successes. So, please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself and welcome Coach Ivan! or find him here ig: @iamivandominguez or here fb: @iamivandominguez In the meantime, be on the lookout for Ivan's inspired posts throughout the month.
Happy training, y'all! Greetings, All! Today's #ThresholdThursday swim workout is brought to us by BITW's race director & distinguished gentleman athlete, Coach Blair Bronson. As Blair says, "Short on time, but still want to get your workout in? Try out this swim workout to not only keep you on schedule with your day but also to help keep you on pace for a solid swim come race day! " In this workout, we look to find our sustainable race effort while swimming a continuous 30-min set. Now, unlike most swim workouts, this set does not give you any rest at the wall. Instead, it is an active recovery of easy swimming. If "easy swimming" is not something that is in your ability level yet, archive this workout for a later date and focus on developing your form. If you're newer to swimming, this can be shortened by dropping the number of race efforts.
We welcome your comments & feedback.. let us know what kind of outcomes you are getting, once ya get the hang of this workout strategy. And feel free to reach out to Coach Blair with questions, or when we can best catch him for a swim set or an autograph: Happy Training!